10-Minute Reset Program
Posture reset through stretches, breathing exercises to refresh the mind and personalized education about healthy life habits are all items included in the 10-Minute Reset.
In this fast-paced life, we sometimes go through our day, week or even more without taking a full breath in. Our bodies accumulate tension which can lead to serious illness problems. That's where the 10-Minute Reset Program comes into play. It allows employees a healthy pause without disrupting their workday.
Showing employees that you care about them is the best way to create trust-based relationships. This 10-Minute Reset is a fantastic opportunity for businesses to invest in their employees' well-being at a low and effective cost.
What's included
10-minute group sessions with a kinesiologist via zoom for your employees (up to 100)
Poster with key exercises for good posture
Poster to advertise the event internally
​$50.00 / session